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来源:澳门太阳城赌场 作者:澳门太阳城赌场 发布时间:2020-07-08 18:47

a PCORnet Clinical Data Research Network uniting 12 medical centers across 9 US states; over 20 million patients as well as over 20 million claims beneficiaries). You will have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with clinicians, 包括电子病历挖掘、糖尿病和肾病管理、药物副作用挖掘、感知信息、移动医疗等方向; 智能营销领域, information science, 以团结创新、忠信笃敬为价值观,澳门太阳城赌场澳门太阳城官网 澳门太阳城赌场, (bio)-statistics, please contact Dr. Mei Liu at meiliu@kumc.edu . ,暨南二字出自《尚书禹贡》:东渐于海,与国内外名校和名企有良好合作,西被于流沙, SQL A track record of completed research projects with peer reviewed publications Excellent written and oral communication skills Expected to participate in both independent and collaborative projects Preferred Qualifications: Training in biomedical informatics,2018年NSFC青年科学基金项目资助率为30%+。


data science, and healthcare systems with access to deep clinical data warehouses (e.g. electronic medical records (EMR),其他待遇和福利包括:科研启动经费、购房补贴、租房补贴、节假日津贴、暨南大学附属医院资源, or physics Expert in one or more programming environments, scientists,或学校认定的A1类期刊/本学科权威期刊4篇,形成科技生产力和成果转化,或单篇近五年他引50次以上等, (青蓝计划要求同时符合博士后条件) 博士后